I was recently asked by someone at Armagh Planetarium what Ciara’s Journey was all about. It’s mostly a story of my learning about space and science and me sharing what I learn with others. Usually I share either in videos or blogs. However recently I have been getting written interviews with some amazing people as well.
We (me and Mum) could never have dreamed how well it has gone! I get asked to go to things like events, even I have been interviewed a few times by others as well! In the last year I have been interviewed by Midland Science, Astronomy Ireland and Gerry Kelly on LMFM. I have found I am offered opportunities that are always there, just not explored by many.
Recently my Mum has been in touch with a lady called Barbara Gordon of WhatsWhat.ie. WhatsWhat.ie is an Online Social Business Platform for sole traders, shops and other businesses. I now have a section on their website and they have created and started the category “Blogger” just for me! Now other bloggers can join the website and use this category!
It’s been amazing how people have been so supportive. We have been giving permission to film on several locations in Ireland, thanks to Belvedere House, Explorium and Armagh Planetarium. Given private tours at Armagh Planetarium, Explorium and the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasedena, California. I was invited to attended and write about ESB Science Blast on a Press Pass!
I have learned so much from people giving up their time to speak to me from all over the world. Like Jordan Evans (Deputy Director of Engineering, NASA JPL), Dr Valerie Connaghton (Program Scientist , NASA HQ), Professor Turlough Downes and Dr John Regan at DCU and Tamela Maciel (National Space Centre UK).
If you would have said to me in April 2018 I would have done all of this in a year I wouldn’t have thought it possible!
What Happens Next?
I have really enjoyed bringing people on this journey and hope to continue to over the coming months and years. I know that from September 2019 I will have to knuckle down to my education even more than I have, as I am going to be having my final year in Primary.
I’m still not totally decided in what I want to do for a job when I’m older but I hope you have found and will continue to find my posts fun and educational!
To all the kids reading this blog/vlog. Make sure you keep asking questions, asking the right people opens minds and doors! No question is silly, only not getting answers is!