Space Day in Armagh
I had a fantastic visit at the Armagh Planetarium today. This morning we left at 8:30 and the journey took two hours but it went pretty fast. The seating arrangements were slightly different because we have to bring my Nan as well as my Mum, Dad, my sister and myself.
We finally got there at about 11:00am. We showed my Nan around, because this was her first time to the Planetarium and also to Northern Ireland. We had previously booked two shows to watch and the first was at 12:00pm. We watched Accidental Astronauts [if the Planetarium is reading this, top class] and then at 2:00pm we watched Asteroid: Mission Extreme [again amazing].We looked at the new ISS Space Station Exhibition which was brilliant! We took a picture!

Space Day in Armagh
Myself and Megan did lots of arts and crafts there, the Planetarium put it on for free every day. I made an alien [still completing it at home] and Megan [my sister] made [in order] an astronaut and an alien. She tried to make a rocket ship but she never completed it and ended up leaving it there. I bought Megan a semi precious gemstone bracelet she really wanted and in return she bought me a semi precious gem.