Science Experiments for the Summer

Hi there!

Been a while I know, but its been a busy few weeks here as we finish for school this week. My Mum and I are thinking about what to do during the Summer and we have come up with the following list:


This is an app to use on your iPhone, suitable for 4+. It doesn’t have a review at the moment so it might be a brand new app but it looks interesting to try.

There are some varied general Science Quiz’s in the app store and also for anatomy and general knowledge.

Mommy Poppins

We have looked at this website before (My Mum and I) and have promised to try some experiments and I am going to be doing a video of one of the experiements in the next week or so. Watch this space! It is a really easy list of experiments that you can do with very little preparation and uses mostly stuff in the home. Please do read the above link as they are quite interesting 🙂

Experiments Galore

There are loads of kids experiments you can pick up from the shops. Smyths and Toymaster have some great sets and they are suitable for kids over the age of 8 years old. Over the years I have collected a few of these but not really done much with them (note for Mum!).

My mission this Summer is to show you what is possible and I will blog my experiences.

PDF Science Downloads

This is a great way to keep enquiring minds buzzing with little effort! These downloads are free and some may need help with it but as you can select an activity to suit the age it makes it easy to set them somethng they can do.

Maths Chase

Maths Chase is a completely free site where you can quickly test your times tables. The site is a very simple game but kids will find it a really fun way to learn their times tables.

I hope to be back blogging more frequently now as school has almost finished. Please tell your kids about this blog and share my blogs with them.  Have a great Summer!

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